
Quotes by John Bunyan

Below are a few quotes by John Bunyan, author of "The Pilgrim's Progress."  Words are so powerful!

"You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you."

"A man there was, though some called him mad, the more he gave the more he had."

"Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge for satan."

"In times of affliction, we commonly meet with the sweetest experiences of the love of God."


"The School" by Elizabeth Prentiss

This is a great poem by Elizabeth Prentiss.  I love it!

The School

We are all scholars, nothing but scholars,
Little children at school,
Learning our daily lessons,
Subject to law and rule.

Life is the school, and the Master
Is the Man Jesus Christ;
We are His charity scholars,
His the teaching unpriced.

Slowly we learn all His patience
Is hourly put to the test:
But often the slowest and dullest,
He pities, and loves the best.

Still, we sit at the feet of our Master,
Very low at His feet,
Study the lessons He sets us,
Sometimes lessons repeat.

Some of the lessons are pleasant,
Pleasant and easy to learn;
The page of our task-book simple,
Simple and easy to turn.

But anon the reading is painful,
Studied 'mid sighing and tears;
We stammer and falter over it,
Do not learn it for years.

Yet that is no fault of the Master;
All His lessons are good;
Only our childish folly
Leaves them misunderstood.

And still we go on, learning,
And learning to love our school;
Learning to love our Master,
Learning to love His rule.

And by and by, we children
Shall grow into perfect men,
And the loving, patient Master
From school will dismiss us then.

No more tedious lessons,
No more sighing and tears,
But a bound into home immortal,
And blessed, blessed years!

-Elizabeth Prentiss


Quote for Today.....

"Great faith is the product of great fights.  Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests.  Great triumphs can only come out of great trials."
~Smith Wigglesworth


Corrie Ten Boom Quote

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." 
~Corrie Ten Boom


"Blue Poppies" Doll Top

I love this fun flower print.  This is the first successful shirt I have made with this particular type of pattern where the fabric was stretchy.  It was an interesting experience, but it turned out very well in the end.  :) 


Textbook Review from a Student's Perspective: "Exploring Economics" by Ray Notgrass

As a requirement for graduation, I had to complete a course in economics this past semester.  We chose "Exploring Economics" by Ray Notgrass.  I enjoyed it so much I decided to write about it.

"Exploring Economics" is designed to be a one semester course in high school.   A second book that goes with it, "The Stewardship of God's Riches," includes many essays and readings about economics that directly correspond to the specific lessons.

"Exploring Economics" started out by establishing a foundation of economics in Biblical history.  It covered the economic history of the United States, markets, money, trade, business, labor, government, economic issues, and ended with how we as Christian individuals can make a difference.  It even gave some insight for starting your own business.  Awesome!  It had a lot of information, and was not boring by any stretch of the imagination.  It included quotes at the beginning of every lesson, as well as Bible verses.  I was SO excited to see a quote from Andrew Murray (a favorite classic Christian author of mine), references to "In His Steps" by Charles Monroe Sheldon, and quotes from the movie "It's a Wonderful Life."  I loved that!  The readings in "The Stewardship of God's Riches" were very interesting too.  They were relevant and some were even inspiring.  To be honest,  I did not have high hopes for this textbook.  How could financial issues be interesting?  I was blown away.  I would definitely recommend "Exploring Economics" by Ray Notgrass to anyone.  I feel that I have come away with a strong understanding of how economies work, and that I can apply what I've learned to everyday life.  This textbook gets five stars and two thumbs up from me.

Greeting Cards.....

I love making greeting cards with rubber stamps, pencils, markers, fun paper, and decorative scissors.  These are some of my favorite cards I've made recently.  Ignore the finger in some of the pictures.  Cards don't like to stay closed by themselves!